Caste prevents the uplift and incorporation of the aboriginal tribes – Ambedkar
The recent [constitutional] discussion about the excluded and partially included areas has served to draw attention to the...

The worst feature of the Caste System is an anti-social spirit – Ambedkar
The Hindus often complain of the isolation and exclusiveness of a gang or a clique and blame them...

Caste prevents Hindus from forming a real society or nation – Ambedkar
Caste does not result in economic efficiency. Caste cannot improve, and has not improved, the race. Caste has...

Caste cannot preserve a nonexistent “racial purity” – Ambedkar
Some have dug a biological trench in defence of the Caste System. It is said that the object...

Caste is not just a division of labour, it is a division of labourers – Ambedkar
It is a pity that Caste even today has its defenders. The defences are many. It is defended...

Why social reform is necessary for economic reform – Ambedkar
Let me now turn to the Socialists. Can the Socialists ignore the problem arising out of the social...

Why social reform is necessary for political reform – Ambekar
The path of social reform, like the path to heaven (at any rate, in India), is strewn with...

why I am an unlikely President for this Conference – Ambedkar
Friends, I am really sorry for the members of the Jat-Pat-Todak Mandal who have so very kindly invited...

अस्पृश्यता उसका स्रोत – भीमराव आम्बेडकर
Untouchability and Its Source – Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar ऐसे लोगों की कमी नहीं है जो अस्पृश्यों की दयनीय...

वह समाज जिसे हिंदुओं ने बनाया / भीमराव आम्बेडकर
हिंदू समाज-संगठन में क्या कोई विलक्षणता है? साधारण हिंदू, जिसे शोधकर्ताओं के शोध की जानकारी नहीं है, वह...