‘We Are On the Scene Again’: Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar
BAHISHKRIT BHARAT (Untouchable India) _____________________________________________________________________________________ Sunday, dated 3rd April, 1927 _____________________________________________________________________________________ We Are On the Scene Again This...

Dr. Ambedkar and Communism
This has a reference to an article by Research Scholars, Kong Fan and Li Shen, published in “Studies...

Why Dr. Ambedkar renounced Hinduism?
Dr. Ambedkar’s role as a prominent constitution maker of India is quite well known. However, his views on...

Dr.Bhimrao Ambedkar’s Advice to Christians
The speech delivered to Indian Christians of Sholapur. Published in ‘Janata’ of 5.2.1938, reproduced from ‘Dnyanodaya’ “From the...

Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar as a Humanist
Humans as the Homo sapience evolved on this planet about 150,000 years before the present. Some of the...

Ambedkar’s Warning To The Untouchables
Revolt and rebellion against the Established order is a natural part of the history of the poor in...

Ambedkar and the Study of Religion at Columbia University
Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar arrived at New York in the July of 1913 to pursue graduate studies at Columbia...

Dr. Ambedkar As A Human Rights Defender
Universal Declaration of Human Rights signed on December 10th, 1948 and a majority of nations including the so-called...

Broken Men, The Pre-Untouchables – Dr Ambedkar
There was a time when the ancestors of the present day Untouchables were not Untouchables vis-a-vis the villagers...