The Riddle of the Ahimsa – Ambedkar
Any one who compares the habits and social practices of the latter-day Hindus with those of the Ancient...

Why did the Brahmins dethrone the Gods and enthrone the Goddesses? – Ambedkar
The worship of Gods is a thing common to all. But the worship of Goddesses is quite uncommon....

Why did the Brahmins make the Hindu gods suffer to rise and fall? – Ambedkar
The Hindus are accused of idolatry. But there is nothing wrong in idolatry. Making an idol is nothing...

Why did the Brahmins make the Hindu gods fight against one another? – Ambedkar
The Hindu theology regarding the world is based upon the doctrine of Trimurti. According to this doctrine, the...

How the Upanishads came to be made subordinate to the Vedas? – Ambedkar
In the preceding chapter, it was shown that originally the Upanishads were not a part of the Vedas...

How the Upanishads declared War on the Vedas? – Ambedkar
What is the position of the Upanishads in relation to the Vedas ? Are the two complimentary to...

The turn of the tide Or How did the Brahmins declare the Vedas to be lower than the lowest of their Shastras? – Ambedkar
I The religious literature of the Hindus includes (1) The Vedas, (2) The Brahmanas, (3) The Aranyakas, (4)...

The Contents of the Vedas: Have they any moral or spiritual value? – Ambedkar
I. If the Vedas are to be accepted as binding and Infallible then what they teach must have...

Why did the Brahmins go further and declare that the Vedas are neither made by man nor by God ? – Ambedkar
The Vedic Brahmins were not content with investing the Vedas with Infallibility. They went further and asserted that...

Why suddenly the Brahmins declare the Vedas to be infallible and not to be questioned?- Ambedkar
To say that the Vedas occupy a very high position in the Religious literature of the Hindus is...