Manu’s madness or the Brahmanic explanation of the origin of the mixed castes. – Ambedkar
A reader of the Manu Smriti will find that Manu for the purposes of his discussion groups the...

The Four Ashramas—The Why and How about them – Ambedkar
The division of society into four orders called Varnas is not the only peculiar feature of Hindu Society....

The Four Varnas—Are the Brahmins sure of their origin? – Ambedkar
It is the cardinal faith of every Hindu that the Hindu Social Order is a Divine Order. The...

The Infallibility of the Vedas – Ambedkar
Appendix V The Hindus are enjoined to study the Vedas every day the Satapatha Brahmana explains the reasons...

Smarth Dharma and Tantrik Dharma – Ambedkar
Appendix IV The Sacred literature of Smarth Dharma consists of the Smritis or the Law Books. These law...

The Riddle of the Trimurti – Ambedkar
Appendix III To say that Hindu Religion is made up of sects is no less true than to...

The Riddle of the Vedanta – Ambedkar
Appendix II Of the six schools of philosophy which were expounded by the ancient philosophers of India the...

The Riddle of the Vedas – Ambedkar
Appendix I The Vedas are the sacred Books of the Hindus. There are several questions that arise in...

How did the Brahmins Wed an Ahimsak God to a bloodthirsty Goddess? – Ambedkar
Having started drinking and flesh eating the Brahmins did not hesitate to write puranas advocating animal sacrifices. One...

From Ahimsa back to Himsa – Ambedkar
“From Himsa to Ahimsa” is only a part of the story of Ahimsa. There is another part of...