This LETTER from William Edward Burghardt Du Bois to Dr. B R Ambedkar on 31st July 1946.
My Dear Mr. Ambedkar,
I have your letter concerning the case of the Negroes of America and the untouchables in India before the United Nations. As you says a small organization of American Negroes, the National Negro Congress has already made statement which I am enclosing. I think however, that a much more comprehensive statement well documented will eventually will laid before the United nations by the National Association for the Advancement of colored people. If this is done, I shall be glad to send you a copy.
I have often heard of your name and work and of course have every sympathy with the Untouchables of India. I shall be glad to be of any service I can render if possible in the future.
Very Sincerely Yours
W.E.B. Du Bois