Kalaram Temple entry movement

Kalaram Temple entry movement by Dr. Ambedkar For Equal Rights.

Dalit HistoryDalit Movement

Kalaram Temple entry movement

Kalaram Temple entry movement formed a pivotal role in the Dalit movement in India. B. K (Dadasaheb) Gaikwad and Dr. B. R. Ambedkar led a protest outside the temple on 2 March 1930, in order to allowing Dalits into the temple.The movement was to have a right to enter temple, it was more towards having equal rights.

We don’t want to go to temples though but we should have rightsKala Ram Temple is a beautiful temple in Old Nashik area, built by Sardar Rangarao Odhekar in 1788. Thousands of pilgrims visit the temple to take the blessings of Lord Ram. But until 1930 no dalit or untouchable was allowed to enter the premises of the temple. This was because of the rigid caste system in India which prevails even today and is practiced since the Rigvedic period.

It was because of the efforts of some prominent leaders like Mahatma Jyotirao Phule the struggle for liberation of Dalits was launched in India during the 19th century.After him it was Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar, a brilliant lawyer and was educated in United states with the help of scholarship given by Maharaja of Baroda, played a pivotal role in uplifting the lower caste and fighting for their equal rights by late 1920s.

A postcard dedicated to Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar by Govt. of India
A postcard dedicated to Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar by Govt. of India

According to Babasaheb Ambedkar in order to break the wall between the upper class and lower caste it was important to get entry into temple because temples have been considered a place of origination of caste annihilation. Thus it became significant to break down the idea by entering the temple. For this movement , Kala Ram Temple was chosen.

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It was this period when Civil Disobedience Movement was initiated by Mahatma Gandhi and thus Satyagraha prevailed in the country.Dr. Ambedkar initiated Temple Entry Satyagraha after three months of painstaking and meticulous efforts in 1930. It was one of the non violent movement where around 15000 people had participated to get entry into the temple. The Satyagrahis squatted before the temple, singing bhajans but a strong contingent of the Bombay police meted out the non violent Satyagrahis.

The Bombay police was supported by the orthodox Hindus. These people considered it as an unholy act. Because of this attitude of theirs harsh treatment was given not only to the satyagrahis but also to the untouchables of near by villages. Their kids were expelled from the school, roads were closed for them, they were not allowed to buy articles of their daily needs from the local market. Despite this provocations, Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar kept a check on his Satyagrahis and did not allow them to retaliate.

This Satyagraha continued for 5 years and finally the temple gates were opened for the untouchables. This satyagraha helped to remove the tag of ‘untouchable’ from head of the lower caste giving them equal rights.

The movement was to have a right to enter temple, it was more towards having equal rights. Ambedkar in his speech on inauguration of Satyagraha said ‘We don’t want to go to temples though but we should have rights.’

What did Dr. Ambedkar want to achieve through the temple entry movement?

This is the content of the letter written by Dr. Ambedkar to Mr. Bhaurao Gaikwad on 3rd March 1934, regarding the KalaRam Temple Entry Satyagraha-which stated on 2nd March 1930 , but whose preparation was underway for months. It started “with” the leadership of Dr. Ambedkar. His inaugural speech remained consistent with the conviction in which the Satyagraha was withdrawn. It was stopped immediately after the reciept the the said letter.

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….. It is very kind of you to have asked me my views on the propriety of the Depressed Classes launching upon a Satyagraha at the Kala Ram Temple in Nasik on the coming Ram Navami Day. I have no position in saying that such a move would be quite uncalled for and should not merely be suspended but stopped altogether.

This may appear strange and surprising coming as it does from one who was the author of the Satyagraha. But I am afraid to declare this change of front. I didn’t launch the temple entry movement because I wanted the Depressed Classes to become worshipers of idols which they were prevented from worshiping or because I believed temple entry would make them equal members in and an integral part of the Hindu Society.

So far as this aspect of the case is concerned I would advise the Depressed Classes to insist upon a complete overhauling of Hindu Society and Hindu theology before they consent to become an integral part of Hindu Society. I started temple entry Satyagraha only because I felt that was the best way of energizing th Depressed Classes and making them conscious of their position.

As I believe I have achieved that purpose I have no more use for temple entry. I want the Depressed Classes to concentrate their energy and resource on politics and education and I hope that they will realise the importance of both.References– SECTION- IV Kalaram Temple entry Satryagraha, Nasik and Temple entry movement, Volume-XVII. Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Writing and Speeches

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