Babasaheb Ambedkar’s Message To “Chamar” Community

Babasaheb Ambedkar’s Message To “Chamar” Community

Ambedkar SpeechDr.Ambedkar

In April 1927, to awaken community’s conscience, Babasaheb Ambedkar started a fortnightly bulletin in Marathi called ‘Bahishkrit Bharat’. He regularly wrote on social, economic, political and religious issues related to Dalit community. While in Mahad for the struggle to access water, on 27 December 1927, Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar was invited to address in the “Chamars” colony in Mahad. The following is the English translation of Dr Ambedkar’s address, which was published in Bahishkrit Bharat on 3 February 1928. Originally the text is in only two paragraphs but to make reading easier the text has been split into more paragraphs. Translated into English by Pardeep Attri. – Editor

It is a matter of great regret that apart from two-four Chamars, the rest of the Chamar community is not involved in important work like satyagraha. I am not able to understand any reason for that. I am also not able to understand why you people are nervous about collaborating with the Mahar community?

You yourself have thought about starting such big work as satyagraha, so why is it not possible for you? I think it is because you are very low in numbers (population count). So, by cooperating with the Mahar community, who are in the majority, your caste will get polluted. There is no reason for you to bring such fear in your mind.

Actually, if you see, the group of satyagrahis is a group of warriors. And caste does not matter in the group of fighters in the war. This thing even the Brahmin state like Peshwai had also accepted. If it would not have been the case, then the tent of Sidnak Mahar would not have been allowed to remain in the cantonment of Maratha chieftains. So, you should end your caste. No one is urging you to do so.

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In reality, you are happy-rich business people. You should help us. You can start a satyagraha on not giving sandal-shoes to the upper-caste Hindus. This kind of power is with your community, yet you are not using it.

Should it be called your irresponsibility or laziness? I am not able to understand this. You people should decide whether you want amenities or humanity? Without humanity, your glory is worthless.

As self-independent and happy/comfortable people like you, you must very diligently get involved in the work and help untouchables to get their human rights back. Become a part of this good work. If you will participate in this, then along with Mahars your names will also be illuminated/remembered. Otherwise, your next generation will abuse you by saying that you were impotent and you did not do anything.

Editors Note – This article has appeared first on velivada under the heading of “Dr Ambedkar’s Message To “Chamar” Community – Your Heirs Will Call You Impotent”.

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