Justice Political Enough Revolution Law and order are the medicine of the body politic and when the body politic gets sick, medicine must be administered. B. R. Ambedkar
The Constitution Of India [ भारत का संविधान, Bhāratīya Saṃvidhāna ] is the supreme law of India. The document lays down the framework demarcating fundamental political code, structure, procedures, powers, and duties of government institutions and sets out fundamental rights, directive principles, and the duties of citizens. It is the longest written constitution of any country on earth. B. R. Ambedkar, chairman of the drafting committee, is widely considered to be its chief architect.
It imparts constitutional supremacy (not parliamentary supremacy, since it was created by a constituent assembly rather than Parliament) and was adopted by its people with a declaration in its preamble. Parliament cannot override the constitution.
B. R. Ambedkar and Constitution of India on a 2015 postage stamp of India It was adopted by the Constituent Assembly of India on 26 November 1949 and became effective on 26 January 1950. The constitution replaced the Government of India Act, 1935 as the country’s fundamental governing document, and the Dominion of India became the Republic of India. To ensure constitutional autochthony, its framers repealed prior acts of the British parliament in Article 395. India celebrates its constitution on 26 January as Republic Day.
The Preamble Of Indian Constitution
The term ‘Preamble’ refers to the introduction or preface to the Constitution. It contains the summary or the essence of the constitution. The preamble to the Indian Constitution is based on the ‘Objective Resolution’ drafted and moved by Pandit Nehru and adopted by the Constituent Assembly. It has been amended by the 42nd Constitutional Amendment Act 1976, which added three new words, Socialist, Secular and Integrity.
N A Palkhivala, an eminent jurist and constitutional expert called the Preamble as the ‘Identity Card of the Constitution’. The importance and utility of the Preamble has been pointed out in several decision of our Supreme Court. Though by itself it is not enforceable in a court of law, the preamble to a written constitution states the objects which the Constitution seeks to establish and promote and also aids the legal interpretation of the constitution where the language is found to be ambiguous.
The words used in the preamble of our Constitution are some of the noblest. They embody the highest values that human ingenuity and experience have been able to device thus far. The Oxford University Political Science Professor Sir Ernest Baker was so moved by the text that he quoted it as a preface to his treatise and thought that it represented the quintessence of his work.
In the words of the learned Supreme Court of India, “The edifice of our Constitution is based upon the basic elements mentioned in the Preamble. If any of these elements are removed, the structure will not survive and it will not be the same Constitution or it cannot maintain its identity.
Thus, it was established that the basic elements or features of the Constitution as contained in the Preamble could not be altered by any amendment under article 368. But even though the Preamble is now taken to be an inviolable part of the Constitution and assures special position as an aid to interpreting the Constitution. It also remains a fact that it is neither a source of any power nor a limitation there on.
The Preamble Of Indian Constitution In English

WE, THE PEOPLE OF INDIA, having solemnly resolved to
DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC and to secure to all its citizens:
JUSTICE, social, economic and political;
LIBERTY of thought, expression, belief, faith and worship;
EQUALITY of status and of opportunity;
and to promote among them all
FRATERNITY assuring the dignity of the individual and the unity
and integrity of the Nation;
In Our Constituent Assembly this twenty-sixth day of November, 1949, do Hereby Adopt, Enact And Give To Ourselves This Constitution.
Components of Preamble
1. Sovereign
The term ‘Sovereign’ which is proclaimed by the Preamble means that India has its own independent authority and it is not a dominion of any other external power. In the country, the legislature has the power to make laws which is subjected to certain limitations.
2. Socialist
The term ‘Socialist’ was added in the Preamble by 42nd Amendment, 1976 which means the achievement of socialist ends through democratic means. It is basically a ‘Democratic Socialism’ that holds faith in a mixed economy where both private and public sectors co-exist side by side.
3. Secular
The term ‘Secular’ was incorporated in the Preamble by 42nd Constitutional Amendment, 1976 which means that all the religions in India get equal respect, protection and support from the state.
4. Democratic
The term ‘Democratic’ implies that the Constitution of India has an established form of Constitution which gets its authority from the will of the people expressed in an election.
5. Republic
The term ‘Republic’ indicates that the head of the state is elected by the people directly or indirectly. In India, the President is the head of the state and he is elected indirectly by the people.
The Preamble Of Indian Constitution In Hindi
!! भारत का संविधान !!–– उद्देशिका –– |
हम, भारत के लोग, भारत को एक सम्पूर्ण प्रभुत्व सम्पन्न समाजवादी पंथनिरपेक्ष लोकतंत्रात्मक गणराज्य बनाने के लिये, तथा उसके समस्त नागरिकों को:
सामाजिक, आर्थिक और राजनैतिक न्याय,
विचार, अभिव्यक्ति, विश्वास, धर्म
और उपासना की स्वतंत्रता,
प्रतिष्ठा और अवसर की समता
प्राप्त कराने के लिये,
तथा उन सब में
व्यक्ति की गरिमा और राष्ट्र की एकता
और अखण्डता सुनिश्चित करने वाली बंधुता
बढ़ाने के लिये
दृढसंकल्प होकर अपनी इस संविधान सभा में आज तारीख 26 नवम्बर, 1949 ई. (मिति मार्गशीर्ष शुक्ला सप्तमी, संवत् दो हजार छः विक्रमी) को एतद्द्वारा इस संविधान को अंगीकृत, अधिनियमित और आत्मसर्पित करते हैं।
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[ Keywords – preamble of indian constitution, preamble of indian constitution in hindi, preamble of india in hindi, preamble of indian constitution in english, preamble of indian constitution is taken from, preamble of indian constitution upsc, preamble of indian constitution notes, preamble of indian, preamble of india in english, preamble of india meaning]