known/ unknown facts about Dr. B.R. Ambedkar

Unknown Facts about “Founding Father Of Modern India” Dr. Ambedkar

Dalit HistoryDr.AmbedkarUnknown Facts

Unknown facts about Babasaheb Dr. B.R. Ambedkar

Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar popularly known as Babasaheb, was an Indian jurist, economist, politician and social reformer who inspired the Dalit Buddhist movement and campaigned against social discrimination against Untouchables (Dalits), while also supporting the rights of women and labour.

There are many more known/ unknown facts about Dr. B.R. Ambedkar. Knowing these facts, as an Indian, we will be surely proud of this Great Revolutionary. The below are some of the details about Dr. B.R. Ambedkar that every Indians must be aware of.

It is a very tremendous happy for me because my six compiled unknown articles about Revolutionary Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar has reached many people in Facebook, Twitter and Whatsapp. Most of the facts about Babasaheb are unknown to the common people, even to the well educated also.

I can proudly say here, after my article I found many changes in the Wikipedia page of B. R. Ambedkar. I feel this as my great respect to Babasaheb and shut the mouths of half-baked fellows who always keep shouting against him and branded him as a leader of some section. Thank you all for supporting…!!!

If Babasaheb had born in any other nation, the concerned nation would have taken pride on him and would have provided countless awards for his contribution in the various field to the nation. He is one of the persons in India with multi dimensional. After all he was born in ‘India’. So, we can not expect anything from here.

Particularly the following articles have been reached many people through the Social Media-

  1. Unknown facts about “Founding Father Of Modern India” – Revolutionary Dr.Babasaheb Ambedkar,
  2. “Saviour Of Labours Rights in India” – Revolutionary Dr.Babasaheb Ambedkar, and
  3. Progress for the society is measured by progress of women.

As an Indian and a youth, it is my pleasure and very proud to share again in my blog about  the unknown facts of “Our Founding Father Of Modern India” – REVOLUTIONARY DR. BABASAHEB AMBEDKAR. 

Prof. Amartya Sen, 6th Indian to get the prestigious Nobel Prize winning economist claimed, “Dr. Ambedkar is my Father in Economics”

Hindu Code Bill

Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar resigned from the post of the first Law Minister of Independent India when his ‘Hindu Code Bill‘ a women’s Rights for Indian Women was dropped by the then Prime Minister Nehru. But None of the women’s organisation talks about it. The contribution of Babasaheb for the women empowerment in India is totally ignored and hiding. For three years, he fought to get the Bill passed. It was the greatest ever social reform in India.

It is nothing but the declaration of women rights. It spoke of giving back dignity to Indian women and giving equal rights to men and women. They are Rights to property, Order of succession to property, marriage, divorce, guardianship. It was by any time a revolutionary measure and first step towards the recognition and empowerment of women in India. By these, a women will have property in her own right and be able to dispose of her property. The orthodox in the ruling party led by Shyama Prasad Mukherjee didn’t allow this bill to be passed. Even the woman member Sarojani against for these women rights.

As a Labour Member of the Viceroy’s Executive Council between 1942 and 1946, Dr.Babasaheb Ambedkar framed many laws for Women labour’s in India. They are,

  • Mines Maternity Benefit Act,
  • Women Labour welfare fund,
  • Women and Child, Labour Protection Act,
  • Maternity Benefit for women Labour,
  • Restoration of Ban on Employment of Women on Underground work in Coal Mines,
  • Equal pay for equal work irrespective of the sex.

Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar’s role for ‘Maternity Benefit Act’ and ‘Equal pay for equal work irrespective of the sex’;

Maternity Benefit Act:

I don’t know how many Indian women knows the contribution of Revolutionary Dr.Babasaheb Ambedkar’s major role for the Maternity Benefits bill in the Bombay legislature in July, 1928 itself for the factory women workers. In fact it was the first Maternity Benefits Act passed in India in 1929 by the Bombay legislature.

On this regard he said,

“I believe that it is in the interests of the nation that the mother ought to get a certain amount of rest during the Pre-natal period and also subsequently. I am prepared to admit this fact because the conservation of the people’s welfare is primarily the concern of the Government. And in every country, therefore, where the maternity benefit has been introduced, you will find that the Government has been subjected to a certain amount of charge with regard to maternity benefit. I think, therefore, the benefits contemplated by this bill ought to be given by this Legislature to the poor women who toil in our factories in this Presidency.”

Subsequently the Madras Maternity Benefit Act was passed by the Madras Legislature Council in 1934 and subsequently in other provinces of India.

As a Labour Minister in the Viceroy executive council between 1942 and 1946, Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar was instrumental in bringing the Mines Maternity Benefit Bill for women in all over India. Under this act, a woman working in the mine is entitled to maternity benefit for a period of 8 weeks. This period of 8 weeks is divided into two parts of four weeks each, one part preceding delivery and another part succeeding delivery.

Later all the acts of Maternity Benefit of various states were repealed and a common Maternity Benefit Act-1961 was adopted by the Central Government for all states in India.

Equal pay for equal work irrespective of the sex:  

Revolutionary Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar was the first person who brought “Equal pay for equal work irrespective of the sex” in India in terms of Industrial workers as a  Labour Minister in the Viceroy executive council.

On this regard he said,

“We have also taken care to see, and this is an important point, that women shall be paid the same wages as men. It is for the first time that I think in any industry the principle has been established of equal pay for equal work irrespective of the sex.”

( In Tamil: “ஆண்களுக்கு அளிக்கப்படும் அதே ஊதியம் பெண்களுக்கு வழங்கப்பட வேண்டும் என்பதில் நாங்கள் கவனமாக இருந்தோம். இது ஒரு முக்கியமான விசியமாகும். பால் பாகுபாடின்றி சம வேலைக்கு சம ஊதியம் என்னும் கோட்பாடு வேறு எந்த தொழிலும் இல்லாதவாறு இத்தொழில்தான் முதல் முறையாக நிலைநாட்டப்பட்டது” )

While drafting the Indian Constitution, Dr. Babasaheb played major contribution for embodied the Article 39(d) relates the state to strive for securing equal pay for equal work of both men and women in the Part IV of the directive principles of the State Policy.

Finance Commission of India and its reports

The original source of reference for all the Finance Commission of India reports in a way, are based on Dr. Babasaheb’s Ph.D thesis, “The Evolution of Provincial Finance in British India”, written in 1923. The man who started the provision for finance commission every 5 years in the Indian Constitution was none other than Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar.

Right to Vote

Now all Indians have right to vote without bias in gender or caste or class or literacy or religion. It was Revolutionary Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar who voiced as the first person in India for the ‘Universal Adult Franchise’ before the Southborough Commission for all Indians without bias in gender, Caste, Class, literacy and religion. I don’t know how many Indians know, it was because of Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar who conferred the fundamentals of democratic principle ‘Adult franchise’ in the Indian social reality i.e. right to vote to every Indian without any discrimination through the Indian Constitution. For this, Babasaheb Ambedkar faced the radical problem from Mr. Vallabhai Patel.

Voting Rights To All Indian Women

Today our constitution granted voting rights to all Indian women as a right, because of Babasaheb. But before the Independent India, it is not an easy task for everyone ‘right to vote’ even for the men also. Mostly the Right to vote was given only to those who were the rich, who owned lands and the tax payers.

Reserve Bank of India

The Reserve Bank of India was conceptualized based on the guidelines presented by Dr. Babasaheb to the Hilton Young Commission in 1925. His Ph.D thesis, “The Problem of the Rupee- Its Problems and Its Solution” was the reference tool and guidelines for the RBI Act 1934.

Thoughts on Linguistic States

Dr.Babasaheb Ambedkar book, “Thoughts on Linguistic States”, was written in 1955. His ideas were proved right and his assessment of the creation of new states in the federal polity is relevant in post-Independent India. Babasaheb seemed to have solutions to all such problems. He had recommended to the “States Reorganisation Commission” in the year 1955 for the division of Madhya Pradesh, Bihar, Maharashtra and Uttar Pradesh.

ALSO READ |   The newspapers associated with Ambedkar

Further, he envisaged the division of Uttar Pradesh into three States (Western, Central and Eastern); Bihar split into two, with Patna and Ranchi as the capitals. (North and South or present Jharkhand); Madhya Pradesh into two (Northern and Southern); and Maharashtra into three (Western,Central and Eastern). One of his major proposals was to make Hyderabad the second capital of India because of the centrality of location, as a junction of North and South, and on defence considerations. After almost 45 years both states Chhattisgarh and Jharkhand were formed in the year 2000. Now Telangana state in 2014.

Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar and Constituent Assembly Entry

Many fellows wrongly thought that Dr. Babasaheb’s inclusion into constituent assembly was by Mr. Gandhi. But the entry of Dr.Babasaheb was mainly due to his professional approach, his excellent knowledge of constitution and his great work in “States and Minorities” which is a part foundation of our constitution today and his love over our Nation.

The work done by Babasaheb in various sub-committees ( Advisory Committee, Fundamental Rights sub-committee, Minorities sub-committee, Union Constitution Committee ) of the Constitutional Assembly were considered very useful. He submitted a memorandum to the Fundamental Rights sub-committee in which he gave concrete shape ideas. This memorandum was later published for wider circulation under the title ‘States and Minorities, what are their rights and how to secure them in the Constitution of free India’.

Myth behind the Reservation and Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar

Many illiterate says,”Dr. Ambedkar created the reservation only for ten years”. I ask them, did they ever read or know about what Poona Pact  mean..?? If not, first go and read about what the Poona Pact mean and broad yourself who created the present Reservation. Of course it was created by Mr. Mohandas Gandhi who fast unto death and denied the rights of Scheduled Class / Scheduled Tribes section from getting the Separate Representation. Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar voiced for the separate representation only.

The then Prime Minister of Britain, Ramsay Macdonald agreed it for not only Scheduled Class / Scheduled Tribes but also for Muslims, Sikhs, Anglo-Indians and Christians. Mr. Gandhi had no problem for  the separate representation to Muslims and Sikhs but was against the separate representation to Scheduled Class / Scheduled Tribes, Anglo-Indians and Christians.

No such dark face of Gandhi was screened in the Gandhi film. Mr.Gandhi and his co forced Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar for the agreement of Poona Pact. Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar wished to end up the reserved constituency only after 10 years. Because he believed that they [MPs and MLAs] point out their voices of their problems in Parliament and state legislatures. But the result was different. Instead they were all chanting for their representing parties. In terms of education and jobs, he never said to end up after 10 years. He wished…… Reservation system will be prevailing, till Untouchability and the Caste system exists.

Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar and O.B.C

Due to the indifferent of Jawaharlal Nehru cabinet on Article 340 which specifies the rights of OBC, Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar tendered his resignation from the Independent India’s first Law Minister on September 27, 1951. He mentioned various reasons in his resignation statement. One of the reasons he had dissatisfied with the Government which it related over the neglect and the treatment accorded to the Other Backward Classes and the Scheduled Class / Scheduled Tribes. He said that the Constitution did not embody any safeguards for the Backward Classes not even appointing the Backward Class Commission.

Independent India’s 1st Law Minister.

Only an Indian whose photo in the London Museum alongside Karl Marx.

Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar and Ashoka Dhamma Chakra

Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar was instrumental for incorporating the wheel of Dhamma chakra or Ashoka Chakra in Navy Blue in the National Flag of India. To select Flag for Independent India, on 23 June 1947 the Constituent Assembly of India set up an Ad hoc committee headed by Rajendra Prasad with Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar, Maulana Abul Kalam Azad, Sarojini, Rajagopalachari and K. M. Munshi as its members. On 22 July 1947, the present form (Four Colours viz., Saffron, White, Green and Navy Blue Chakra) of the National Flag of India was adopted. The spinning wheel of the Congress Flag was replaced by the Chakra (wheel) from the Lion Capital of Ashoka at its centre.

Chief architect of Indian Constitution.

Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar’s inspiration for writing his “The Buddha and His Dhamma” was none other than Pandit Iyothee Thass, disciple and close associate Lakshmi Narasu work “The Essence Of Buddhism” from Madras.

  • Revolutionary and a Revivalist for our Indian origin BUDDHISM in modern India again after Bodhisattva Pandit Iyothee Thass.
  • He who fired publicly the mythology book ‘Manusmriti’ in December 1927.
  • 1st Indian who graduated D.Sc in Economics.
  • 1st Ph.D in Economics and 1st double doctorate in Economics in South Asia.


  1. Passed 10th Matriculation in 1907 from Elphinstone High School. He scored 282 out of 750 Marks.
  2. B.A – (Politics and Economics) Bombay University in 1912.
  3. M.A – (Economics – For his thesis ‘Ancient Indian Commerce’) in America in 1915.
  4. Ph.D – (Economics – For his thesis ‘The evolution of provincial finance in British India’) in Columbia University, America in 1917.
  5. D.Sc – (Thesis – ‘Problem of the Rupee – Its origin and its solution’) in London School of Economics in 1923.
  6. M.Sc – (Economics – For his thesis ‘Provincial Decentralization of Imperial Finance in British India’) London.
  7. Bar-At-Law – Gray’s Inn in London, 1923.
  8. Political Economics – Germany.
  9. LLD – (Honoris) Columbia University, New York, For his achievements of leadership and authoring the Constitution of India.
  10. D.Litt – (Honoris) Osmania University, Hyderabad, For his achievements, Leadership and writing the constitution of India.
  11. 1st Indian who graduated D.Sc in Economics.
  12. 1st Ph.D in Economics and 1st double doctorate in Economics in South Asia.


Great Constitutionalist, a Greatest Revolutionary, Boddhisatva, a parliamentarian, Economist, Sociologist, Great politician, Indian Jurist, Buddhist activist, Philosopher, Thinker, Anthropologist, Historian, Orator, Prolific writer, Social reformer.

As a Labour leader and Labour Member of the Viceroy’s Executive Council between 1942 and 1946, Dr.Babasaheb framed many laws for labours in India. They are,

Labours Rights and Babasaheb Dr. Ambedkar

Reduction in Factory Working Hours (8 hours duty)

Today the working hours in India per day is about 8 hours. Really I do not know how many Indians know, Dr.Babasaheb was the Saviour of Labours in India. He brought 8 hours duty in India and changed the working time from 12 hours to 8 hours became a light for workers in India. He brought it on the 7th session of Indian Labour Conference in New Delhi, November 27, 1942.

The Indian Labour Conference, consisting of the representatives of Central and Provincial Governments, important states and employers and workers organisations unanimously supported the principle of the 48-hour week in India’s factories at its meeting.

The Text of speech of Dr. Babasaheb, “It emphasized that the present was an opportune moment for taking up this question because there was a need for giving relief to factory workers. Moreover, shorter hours would lead to greater employment. The memorandum made it clear that the reduction in hours should not be accompanied by any reduction in basic wages or dearness allowances unless there was a fall in prices”

Tripartite Labour Conference

On August 7, 1942 he called for the Tripartite Labour Conference in New Delhi. The objects were namely, the laying down of a procedure for the settlement of industrial disputes and the discussion of all matters of All-India importance as between Labour and Capital. The great achievement of the Tripartite Conference is the fundamental change it has brought about in the outlook of Government and of Employers and of Employees on labour problems, Establishment of Employment Exchanges, and Collection of Statistics under the Industrial Statistics Act.

The Text of speech of Dr. Babasaheb,”I do claim credit for the Tripartite Labour Conference, that, if we have done nothing more, we have at least done one thing, namely, to induce, if not to compel, the representatives of employees to meet the representatives of employers and discuss matters of the utmost and gravest importance.”

Industrial Disputes

Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar was instrumental in setting up the two bodies 1) Plenary Conference and 2) Standing Advisory Committee to discuss the industrial problems of Labour Welfare both in their legislative and administrative aspects and also to advise the Government of India as to the most satisfactory line of action in dealing with those problems.

Dr. Babasaheb framed many laws for Women Labours in India

  1. Mines Maternity Benefit Act,
  2. Women Labour welfare fund,
  3. Women and Child, Labour Protection Act,
  4. Maternity Benefit for women Labour,
  5. Restoration of Ban on Employment of Women on Underground Work in Coal Mines,
  6. Equal pay for equal work irrespective of the sex: On this regard he said, “We have also taken care to see, and this is an important point, that women shall be paid the same wages as men. It is for the first time that I think in any industry the principle has been established of equal pay for equal work irrespective of the sex.”
ALSO READ |   Dr. Ambedkar’s Speech at BHU on 25 November 1956

Compulsory Recognition of Trade Unions

Indian Trade Unions Act was enacted in 1926. This act helped only to register the trade unions, not approved by the government. On 8 November, 1943 he brought the Indian Trade Unions (Amendment) Bill for compulsory recognition of trade unions. The Bill had three important features. They are to compel an employer to recognize a trade union, to imposes certain conditions on a trade union in order to make the trade union, to make non-recognition by an employer of a trade union, which has observed all the conditions prescribed in this measure and which has therefore qualified itself for recognition, an offence which is made punishable by law.

Employment Exchange in India

Babasaheb was instrumental in bringing the establishment of employment exchanges. The Employment Exchanges was set up to helped the resettlement and employment of demobilised Services personnel and discharged war workers during the transition period. It also helped the mutual benefit to employers and employment-seekers and will ensure satisfactory distribution of manpower among various branches of production.

Employees State Insurance (ESI)

ESI helps the workers with medical care, medical leave, physically disabled during working injuries as compensation Insurance for providing various facilities. Dr.Babasaheb enacted and  brought it for the benefit of workers. Actually India only brought ‘Insurance Act’ as the first nation among the South Asian countries. Credit goes to Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar for the ESI concept.

Finance Commission of India and its reports

The original source of reference for all the Finance Commission of India reports in a way, are based on Dr. Babasaheb’s Ph.D thesis, “The Evolution of Provincial Finance in British India”, written in 1923. The man who started the provision for finance commission every 5 years in the Indian Constitution was none other than Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar.

Reserve Bank of India

The Reserve Bank of India was conceptualized based on the guidelines presented by Dr. Babasaheb to the Hilton Young Commission in 1925. His Ph.D thesis, “The Problem of the Rupee- Its Problems and Its Solution” was the reference tool and guidelines for the RBI Act 1934.

Minimum Wages

For fixing minimum wages for labour, Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar was instrumental in drafting legislation on November 28, 1942.

Coal and Mica Mines Provident Fund

  1. At the time, Coal Industry played a vital role in our country’s economy. Due to this, Dr.Babasaheb enacted the Coal Mines Safety (Stowing) Amendment Bill for the benefit of the workers on January 31st, 1944.
  2. On 8th April 1945, he brought the Mica Mines Labour Welfare Fund which helped the workers with housing, water supplies, education, entertainment, improvement of educational facilities and standards of living among the workers, including nutrition, amelioration of social conditions and the provision of recreation and transport facilities, the improvement of public health and sanitation, the prevention of disease, the provision of medical facilities.

Post-war Development of Electric Power in India:

For the problems relating to the post-war development, Lord Linlithgow was set up the Reconstruction Committee of Council under the chairmanship of J. P. Srivastava. The Reconstruction Committee of Council was set up five different Reconstruction Committees. Among these committee, (Reconstruction Policy Committee) Public Works and Electric Power was under the chairmanship of Dr. Babasaheb. Problems relating to the post-war development of electric power in India were discussed by the Reconstruction Policy Committee. This Committee studied the problems connected with electric power and to make a recommendation as to the best way of solving them.

Dr. Babasaheb emphasized that the country needed “cheap and abundant electricity”, without which no effort for industrialization could succeed and development of irrigation and electric power were essential to raise agricultural productivity.

Dr. Babasaheb was instrumental in creating the department of power and advocated autonomous state electricity boards. He was also of the opinion that the central government should have the option to participate directly in the production and supply of electricity.  In the early 1980s the concept of regional grids which was suggested by Dr. Babasaheb, was being extended to the creation of national ‘Grid System’. His initiatives subsequently led to the creation of a Power Supply Department at the Centre.

On October 25, 1943 at New Delhi he said,

“I emphasize these considerations because what India wants is an assured supply of power, cheap power and abundant power.” He added electricity should be a purely provincial subject. Further, “I make a few observations pointing out the significance of and the ultimate objective that lies behind the need for electrical development in India ? It is necessary that those who are placed in charge of the subject should have the fullest realization of its significance and its objective. If you agree with me in this I will request you to ask yourselves the question, ‘ Why do we want cheap and abundant electricity in India ? ‘ The answer is that without cheap an abundant electricity no effort for the industrialization of India can succeed. This answer brings out only a part of the significance of the work this Committee has to undertake.”

Indian Statistical Law

In 1942, Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar passed the Indian Statistical Act. Later D.K. Paisendry ( Former Deputy Principal, Information Officer, Government of India) said in his book, without Dr. Babasaheb’s Indian Statistical Act he could not formulated the Labor conditions, their wage rates, other Income, Inflation, debt, housing, employment, deposits and other funds, labour disputes.

Labour Welfare Funds

Dr.Babasaheb set up an Advisory Committee to advise on matters arising out of the Labour Welfare under B.P. Agarkar. Later he promulgated it on January, 1944.

Technical Training Scheme and Skilled Workers:

He was instrumental in set up the best Technical Training Scheme for Workers in India. On August 24, 1944 in Calcutta, ” No plan for the future development of the country can be deemed to be complete which does not provide for technical and scientific training. This is the age of Machine and it is only those countries in which technical and scientific training has risen to the highest pitch that will survive in the struggle that will commence when the war is over, for maintaining decent standards of living for their people. The Technical Training Scheme not only maintained but extended all over the country and become a permanent part of the country’s educational system”.

Foundation for Water resources and Electricity development in India

Dr.Babasaheb Ambedkar laid the foundation for water resources and electricity development, the two sectors which are so crucial for the development of India when he was Member, Labour, Irrigation and Electric Power Department in the Executive Council of the Viceroy during 1942- 1946. His major achievement was the establishment of two technical organizations, presently known as ‘Central Water Commission’ and ‘Central Electricity Authority’, that have contributed for the development of irrigation and power in the country.

The proposal for creation of Central Irrigation, Waterways Advisory Board was approved by Dr.Babasaheb in September 1944. Subsequently, it became Central Waterways, Irrigation, and Navigation Commission (CWINC) and was approved by Dr.Babasaheb in April 1945. It became Central Water Power, Irrigation and Navigation Commission (CWPINC) on 16th January 1948 and subsequently it became Central Water and Power Commission (CWPC) in April 1951. It was bifurcated into Central Water Commission and Central Electricity Authority in October 1974.

He only created the Central Technical Power Board (CTPB) on 8th November 1944 for power system development, hydro power station sites, hydro-electric surveys, analysing problems of electricity generation and thermal power station investigation which was subsequently merged with CWPINC and became Central Water and Power Commission (CWPC) in April 1951.

He laid the foundation for the development of infrastructure in India such as electric power, irrigation, communication, roads and transport services and technical manpower were treated as prerequisites for industrial and agricultural development. He suggested interlinking of major south Indian rivers. He was man of Vision and foresight. While drafting the constitution of India, he has not put water resources and management entirely in the state list but he had concluded this subject under the provision of central control.

Instrumental in creating the Multi Purpose River Valley Projects and Large Dam Technologies in India

Dr.Babasaheb Ambedkar who was the Instrumental in creating the Multi Purpose River Valley Projects and Large Dam Technologies in India. If there any person who played the most central role in introducing large dam technologies and Multi Purpose Projects into India, the person was none other than Revolutionary Dr.Babasaheb Ambedkar. According to Petty minded Indians, Dr.Babasaheb is mostly related only with two things. One is ‘Architect of Indian Constitution’ and other as the leader of some particular section. But “Founding Father of Modern India” who contributed in the various field to our nation is totally ignored and hiding.

ALSO READ |   Dr Bhimrao Ambedkar on Asuras

Babasaheb Dr. Ambedkar and Multipurpose River Valley projects in India

After all how many Indians know Dr.Babasaheb was instrumental in creating and outlined the projects like,

  1. Damodar Valley project ( the first multipurpose river valley project in India ) in 1944 on the lines of Tennessee Valley Authority,
  2. Bhakra-Nangal dam ( India’s biggest multipurpose river valley project, Highest gravity dam in India
  3. The Sone River Valley projects and
  4. Hirakud dam ( Longest dam in India )

Babasaheb introduced the idea of establishment of Multipurpose river projects in India who was influenced on the lines of Tennessee Valley project. He was the 1st person in India has make effort for the establishment of Damodar Valley project. He was the pioneer of Multipurpose river projects in India.

Damodar Valley project:

Damodar valley is known as the ‘Sorrow of Bengal’ because of the problems of flooding. To tackle the problem Babasaheb had entrusted the work of planning and designing to Central Power Board set up the machinery and directed the planners, engineers who executed the plan prepared under his guidance. Till 1946, the responsibility for the Damodar Valley project was under Babasaheb. Afterwards the entire work for the dam was given over to Damodar Development Corporation.

Here I just extract the address speech of Dr.Babasaheb before the representatives of Bengal and Bihar Governments at a Conference held in Calcutta on January 3 , 1944 to discuss the means and methods for developing Damodar Valley as a Member, Labour, Irrigation and Electric Power Department in the Executive Council of the Viceroy. He said, “The Damodar project must be a multi-purpose project. We intend that it should not only deal with the problem caused by floods, it should also provide for irrigation, electricity and navigation. Along with the question of a site, these matters have also to be examined.”

On April 23 and 24, 1945 at New Delhi under the Chairmanship of the Babasaheb, Rs. 55 crores was recommended to Damodar River Project for starting immediately the construction of the first dam (at Tilaiya). After considering the reports of the Central Technical Power Board and the advice of the Tennessee Valley Authority engineers, Ross Reigel and Fred C. Schlemmer, and their associates, Rai Bahadur A. N. Khosia and Mr. M. Narasimhaiya, Chief Engineer, Mysore State, the conference was convinced-of the advisability of pushing forward as rapidly as possible the scheme as a whole. It has accepted the proposal that the dams across the Barakar, tributary of the Damodar, should be at Tilaiya (near Kodarma) and at Maithon, just above its confluence with the main river.

Multi-purpose Plan for Development of Orissa’s Rivers:

In 1945, the plan outlined under the chairmanship of Dr.Babasaheb, it was decided to invest in the potential benefits of controlling Odisha rivers particularly Mahanadi for the multipurpose use to conserve water, serve irrigation, generating electric power etc.,  Mr. B. K. Gokhale, Adviser, the then H. E. to the Governor of Orissa, welcomed the plan outlined by Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar to invest in the potential benefits of controlling Odisha rivers particularly Mahanadi for the multipurpose use to conserve water, serve irrigation, generating electric power etc., and said: ” Orissa is perhaps the most backward part of India and no single project is likely to do more to improve the conditions of the people than the multipurpose development which we have under contemplation. He outlined the history of Orissa up to modern times. Orissa expected that the thought which had been given to planning and regional development would start her on an era of happiness and prosperity.”

Bhakra Dam project:

A major initiative was taken by Dr.Babasaheb when he was member in-charge of irrigation and power during 1942-46. He made concrete steps to see that the Bhakra Dam project should be taken up on priority. An expert from the United States Bureau of Reclamation in 1944 was invited, who after examining the feasibility report recommended that the dam site was suitable for the construction of a dam with maximum reservoir level at 487.68 m and suggested further exploration for foundation and abutments. This work was carried out during 1945-46, while Dr.Babasaheb was the Member of Irrigation of the Viceroy’s Council.

  • Dearness Allowance (DA)
  • Holidays with Pay for Factory Workers
  • Health Insurance for Industrial Workers
  • The Legal Strike.
  • Provident Fund Act. 
  • Revision of Scale of Pay for Employees.

Dr.Babasaheb believe that caste is not merely the division of labour but division of labourers based upon the graded inequality. Further in his work ‘Annihilation of Caste’,  Volume – I, Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Writing and Speeches, “ In no other country is the division of labour accompanied by this gradation of labourers. There is also a third point of criticism against this view of the Caste System. This division of labour is not spontaneous; it is not based on natural aptitudes.

Social and individual efficiency requires us to develop the capacity of an individual to the point of competency to choose and to make his own career. This principle is violated in the Caste System in so far as it involves an attempt to appoint tasks to individuals in advance, selected not on the basis of trained original capacities, but on that of the social status of the parents.

Looked at from another point of view this stratification of occupations which is the result of the Caste System is positively pernicious. Industry is never static. It undergoes rapid and abrupt changes. With such changes an individual must be free to change his occupation. Without such freedom to adjust himself to changing circumstances it would be impossible for him to gain his livelihood. Now the Caste System will not allow Hindus to take to occupations where they are wanted if they do not belong to them by heredity.

If a Hindu is seen to starve rather than take to new occupations not assigned to his Caste, the reason is to be found in the Caste System. By not permitting readjustment of occupations, caste becomes a direct cause of much of the unemployment we see in the country. As a form of division of labour the Caste system suffers from another serious defect. The division of labour brought about by the Caste System is not a division based on choice. Individual sentiment, individual preference has no place in it. It is based on the dogma of predestination.”

The speech delivered by Dr.Babasaheb Ambedkar, Member for Labour, at the first session of the Plenary Labour Conference in New Delhi, Monday, September 6 1944:

“It will not be enough to make industrial development of India as our goal. We shall have to agree that any such industrial development shall be maintained at a socially desirable level. It will not be enough to bend our energies for the production of more wealth in India. We shall have to agree not merely to recognise the basic right of all Indians to share in that wealth as a means for a decent and dignified existence but to devise ways and means to insure him against insecurity.”

It is my humble request to those who read it, please share to everyone. Again I hope it will change the minds of Indians soon and broad their knowledge about him.

With regards,
Tamil Nadu.

Jai bheem..!
Long Live Ambedkarism….!!


1) Dr.Babasaheb Ambedkar Writings and Speeches;

  • Volume 1- Thoughts on Linguistic States.
  • Volume 1 – Annihilation of Caste.
  • Volume 2 – Dr. Ambedkar in the Bombay Legislature (1927 to 1939)
  • Tamil Volume 18/ English Volume 10 – Dr. Ambedkar as Member of the Governor-General’s Executive Council (1942-1946).
  • Volume 13 – Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar – ‘The Principal Architect of the Constitution of India’.
  • Volume – 14 –  Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar and the Hindu Code Bill.
  • Volume 17, Part 3 – Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Writings and Speeches.

2) A Tamil article by Tamil Maraiyan.
3) “Ambedkar Speaks” by Dr. Narendra Jadhav.
4) Dr. Ambedkar-Architect Of Economic Planning And Development Policies Of India.

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