Venerable Bhadanta Galgedar Pragyanand was the youngest of seven monastics who conducted the Buddhist refuge ceremony for renowned Indian social activist and reformer Dr. B. R. Ambedkar in 1956. From

Monk who witnessed Ambedkar’s conversion to Buddhism


If Mhow in Madhya Pradesh is the Janmabhoomi (place of birth) of Babasheb Bhimrao Ambedkar, and Nagpur is his Deekshabhoomi (where he embraced Buddhism), Lucknow is his Snehbhoomi (close to his heart)—visited the state capital twice in three years (1948 to 1951).

Among seven Buddhist priests who introduced Ambedkar to Buddhism at Nagpur’s famous Deekshabhoomi on October 14, 1956 was the only surviving Buddhist priest, 88-year-old Bhadanta Pragyanand from Lucknow. Mention of Babasaheb gives the frail bed-ridden old man enough strength to speak. The Buddhist monks who participated in various activities when Ambedkar embraced Buddhism in Nagpur were Bhadant Chandramani Mahathero, Bhante Pragya Tiss, M Sangh Ratan Mahathera, Bhikshi Dhamm Rakshit, H Saddha Tiss, H Thamma Nand Mahathera and Bhikshu Galgedar Pragyanand.

Presently, Pragyanand is the senior most priest at the Baudh Mandir located in Lucknow’s Risaldar Park. Recalling the scene at Deekshabhoomi the Dhamm Parivartan, Pragyanand, said, “On October 14, 1956, I was still a Bhikshu and Babasaheb was sitting ready to embrace Buddhism. He exuded the radiance of liberation. He remembered Lord Buddha and then embraced Buddhism after completing all rituals and became a Bhikshu for the rest of his life.”

Babasaheb visited Lucknow once in 1948 and then in 1951, and the photograph taken on April 18, 1948 at Buddh Vihar, Risaldar Park documents a gathering in which people from different religions exchanged views on various issues. “It was perhaps here that the seeds of embracing Buddhism were sown in Ambedkar’s mind,” said the 88-year-old monk.

Ambedkar organised a formal public ceremony for himself and his supporters in Nagpur on October 14, 1956. Accepting the three refuges and five precepts from a Buddhist monk in a traditional manner, Ambedkar completed his own conversion, along with his wife. He proceeded to convert nearly 5 lakh of his supporters who were gathered with him at the venue. “It was a historic day as we witnessed a person of Babasaheb’s stature accepting Buddhism as a way of life,” said Pragyanand, and added that it would be fair to term Lucknow as Babasaheb’s “Snehbhoomi”.


Subordinate monks at Risaldar Park told TOI that Pragyanand had been living in here since the age of 13, and would continue to be the torch-bearer of Babasaheb’s legacy for the future generation.

CourtesyTimes Of India

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